一般人飲多D水、食梨 蜜糖等滋潤食物、早睡。另外避免過熱水沖涼,因為熱水💦容易令滋潤皮膚下物質流失。
💁🏻♀️女性皮膚較幼嫩,宜用較滋潤的面霜或保濕霜進行保養,為乾燥皮膚注入水分。若皮膚嚴重乾燥,🎉立即塗上護膚保養乳液和保濕液😍,以減低乾燥的影響。 不同皮膚類型用相配護膚產品。如油性類型不能用油性護膚產品🎁,塗錯會引起不舒適,甚至藏污垢引致發炎。市面護膚保養乳液有註明油性皮膚可用,而保濕液對乾性皮膚更能直接吸收。
If the skin is severely dry, immediately apply skincare lotion and moisturizer to reduce the effects of dryness. Apply skincare products for different skin types. If the oily type cannot use oily skin care products, the wrong application will cause discomfort, even hide dirt and cause inflammation. The skincare lotion on the market has indicated that it can be used for oily skin, and the moisturizer is more directly absorbed for dry skin.
In addition, avoid showering with overheated water, because hot water will easily cause the moisture under the skin to lose.
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