Tips for Long, Thick Oily Grease Hair

hair itchy head

Itchy head

Having long beautiful hair🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️ is indeed enviable👸🏻. Long hair is not easy to take care of. Some sisters wash their hair every day. Long, thick hair often brings annoying, oily, sticky feeling, particularly in hot humid summer.

It makes you unconscious 💀-the word “annoying” 😾😾😾,  you really want to wash my hair immediately.

There are cleansing products called dry shampoos on the market. It is water-free. The ingredients are mainly ethanol derived from cold-pressed plants 🌴🌴🌴. Ethanol is alcohol, the principle is to absorb grease and impurities, and then volatilize. Alcohol needs to be harmless to people, but it is not recommended to mix it with hair dye and use it at the same time.

The usage is simple, just spray on the palm 🤲🏻, then gently massage from the roots of the hair 💆‍♀️, the shampoo evaporates naturally 💨, the hair is dry ❄️. Both men and women use long and short hair. The most rock yoga exercise🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️‍, used in densely populated places. 🌟🌟🌟 keep clean, 😷😷😷 strengthen anti-fatigue.

🌟Although alcohol is harmless to people, but it is not recommended to mix it with hair dye and use it at the same time.

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